
Monday, December 26, 2016

Day 8 in Sydney

Day for adventure, the blue mountain tour, which is a rugged region well known for its dramatic scenery and I couldn’t wait to see the wilderness!
We took an hour ride there, and visited the information centre as usual.
Then we went up to the viewpoint for three sister.
It is about the legend of three bros trying to marry three sisters but get rejected by the head of kampong, which based on the tribal law.
They started a war and a witch turned them into three stones.
However he got killed in the end thus three sisters remained as stone forever.
We had the same lunch as yesterday, subway.
The waiter insisted me to only get thousand island for the tuna.
We then went up o the scenic viewpoint to have a better view of the mountain.
The path made up of the railway, skyview, cablecar and walkway.
We waited for our turn until 3o'clock.
The walkway took us about 30minutes and we passed by ventilation cave and miner place.
Today is boxing day so of course we don't miss the opportunity to visit some mall, but we only get the snicker brand ice cream. Half price anyway.
We were all tired in the end so we left at around 5pm

Before the end of the day we went to the mall once more and I got myself a blue shirt and bro got his girlfriend a present too.
Blue mountain
Railway ride

Hanging on the tree

Love the view lot!
Three sisters


  1. خدمات صيانة كاريير في تقديم افضل الانواع من الاجهزه الكهربائية المنزلية وباقل الاسعار يمكنك التواصل مع رقم صيانة كاريير الان لاسرال فريق الصيانة من اي مكان في مصر والمجهزه بالادوات اللازمة من خلال توكيل كاريير المعتمد في مصر

  2. بادرو الان معنا مع افضل انواع الصيانة من صيانة بارو وتقدم افضل الخدمات والعروض والاجهزة الان فى مصر ويجد فى مركزنا الان اعهم الخدمات المختلفة من توكيل بارو الان وباقل الاسعار والعروض الممتاز الان فى مصر التى لا مثيل لها والتى تقدم العديد من الشركات فى كافة المحافظات فى مصر والوطن العربي وباقل التكاليف الرائعة , كما اننا نقدم افضل المدربون الان فى تصليح الاجهزة الان فى اقل وقت ممكن
